Monday, December 8, 2008

Star Plots

These are known as star plots. It is a method of displaying multivariate data. Each star represents a single observation. In this example each star is showing an observation about its major U.S. city.

Correlation Matrix

This is a correlation matrix. It describes correlation among two variables. It is a square matrix in which the diagonal elements are always equal to 1.00. This particular matrix compares the genomes of livestock.

Similarity Matrix

This is an example of a similarity matrix. This matrix measures pairwise similarities of objects. The greater the similarity between the two objects, the greater the value of measure. In this case red represents the strongest similarities.

Stem And Leaf Plot

This is a stem and leaf plot. The stem shows the first digit of the age. The leaf shows the last digit of the samples ages. So for this example 10 people where tested between the ages of 0 and 90 at the family reunion.

Box Plot

This is a box plot, it is used to show statistical measures such as the median, minimum and maximum. The whiskers at the ends of the lines represent the range and the line in the box represents the median. This example shows the data for the distribution of conditional residual by person.


This is an example of a histogram. It is used for for relaying several types of data. It gives the general shape of the frequency distribution. It gives the symmetry of the distribution. It also shows modality as well as skewed data.

Parallel Coordinate Graph

This is an example of a parallel coordinate graph. Multivariate relations are gained using this graph. It is used to show numerous sets of data while still keeping some connectivity.